Drone Delivery Process Started at Amazon

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Amazon, which has been working in the field of drone delivery for about 10 years, has launched its PrimeAir service. The shopping company, which received approval from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, has started aerial deliveries in the Lockeford, California, and College Station, Texas areas.

PrimeAir, which will provide customers with information such as tracking details and estimated arrival times, has a reported carrying capacity of 2.2 kg. In a statement regarding this matter, Amazon noted that 85% of orders fall below this carrying capacity.

Source: Webtekno

PrimeAir drones, equipped with special systems for obstacles such as chimneys, power lines and animals, are delivered to customers’ backyards by landing them. Using the MK27-2 autonomous delivery drone with six propellers in a hexagonal shape, Amazon also offers the guarantee that transportation processes are monitored by employees.

Source: BBC

Drones with an altitude of 120 meters and a speed of 50 km/h carry out deliveries over a wide area to avoid any issues.

Amazon Air spokesperson Natalie Banke stated regarding the process: “Our goal is to safely get our unmanned aerial vehicles into the sky. We will gradually expand by delivering to more customers over time.

There are other companies besides Amazon that are engaged in similar activities. Wing, owned by Alphabet, which has added 6 more states to its operations, expects to reach 4 million households within the year. Wing reported that it has completed 200,000 deliveries so far.


BBC. (2022, Haziran 14). bbc.com: https://www.bbc.com/turkce/haberler-dunya-61797000 adresinden alındı

Girgin, İ. (2022, Aralık 29). Donanım Haber. donanimhaber.com: https://www.donanimhaber.com/amazon-da-drone-ile-teslimat-donemi-basladi–158731 adresinden alındı

Muradoğlu, C. (2022, Aralık 27). Webrazzi. webrazzi.com: https://webrazzi.com/2022/12/27/amazon-abd-nin-bazi-eyaletlerinde-drone-ile-teslimat-denemelerine-basladi/ adresinden alındı

Nakıboğlu, G. (2020). Drone Taşımacılığı ve Son-Adım Teslimatta Kullanımı. Çukurova Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 285-298.

Pictures: bbc.com, thehustle.co, webtekno.com

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