Netnographic Research in Aviation

Reading Time: 5 Minute

by Sara KAYA

What is Ethnography?

Ethnology consists of two words, ethnos (people) and logia (science). It is known as the branch of science that deals with human beings and is divided into two parts: Entnography and Ethnology. Ethnography consists of the concepts of ethnos (people) and graphein (to write, to describe) and is based on Greek. Ethnography is the process of asking questions, taking notes and making evaluations for the purpose of learning, remembering and exploring the research to be conducted. However, it basically means “writing about people”.

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Observation and participation in a study are part of ethnography. When examining the community or a group of people we plan to study, there are differences in the information we obtain by observing or participating in the community. For this, it is important to act as a member of the community by participating in the community where the research is planned to be conducted in terms of the quality of the research. In addition to participating in the community, evaluations should be made from an ethnographic perspective. However, in order for that community to accept you, you need to adapt, respect and empathize.

An Ethnographic Study

As Marlo Morgan mentions in her book “A Pair of Hearts”, in which she tells the story of how she thought she was going to a meeting with the Aborigines, in order to be included in a community that lives apart from time, she had to change and develop physically and, when necessary, in terms of perspective.

Source: Wikipedia

In addition to his observations, Morgan did not hold back even if he hesitated to join them, and it is not enough to look at books or history to understand and evaluate a community. It is necessary to observe and participate in the culture on the spot.

What is Netnography?

Netnography is an ethnographic evaluation in the digital space. Netnography is the study of communities brought together by cultures or under the umbrella of common values in the internet environment and social media. The data emerging from these studies can be transformed into information and presented to useful areas of use.

Source: Wikipedia

As in ethnographic research, there is a need for participation and observation in netnographic research. The researcher should take into account the values of the community and conduct his/her research in this context. In short, you need to empathize with the community for the community to accept you.

With the development of the digital age, Kozinets (2002) defined a process for conducting a netnographic study. We can list this process as follows.

1) Introduction

2) Data collection and analysis

3) Reliable interpretation

4) Research ethics

5) Member supervision

Netnographic Studies

Netnographic studies reveal useful information for companies by examining data or communities. Communities that meet on the internet for value or purpose are called “virtual groups”. As an example of netnographic research, Saygın and Ersoy (2020) established groups on Facebook and examined the purchasing behavior and focus of group members in their research. By examining 48 groups, it was revealed that the groups were leader-oriented or theme-oriented. In the light of the research, it is seen that when members create trust in these groups, leaders have the power to make them buy.

In another study conducted by Aydın (2021), they conducted a netnographic research based on the question of how the posts made on Instagram and YouTube applications from social media platforms lead to consumption. In this context, a thematic analysis framework was created from the data obtained. In this framework, nine content producers who are currently sharing content were analyzed to focus on how they are able to influence consumers, and units of thematic analysis were created for this purpose. These units are;

  • Gaining identity/status and prestige
  • Follower: existence by consuming
  • Follower comments: a matter of addicted consciousness
  • Becoming visible in the virtual – a new identity
  • Selling a lifestyle through the presentation of products
  • It is expressed as language/ sign/ meaning.

Netnographic Research in Aviation

Organizations use platforms like Instagram to influence societal perceptions. Smith, Kimbu, and Cohen (2021) examined hegemonic concepts related to masculinity and femininity images that affect societal perceptions in their research. They utilized a feminist post-structuralist approach to reveal the normative sexist assumptions present in the aviation sector’s use of Instagram. Within the process presented by Kozinets, they observed posts by directly copying the data. The data obtained from the research through field notes on the online platform was then created from the observations made by joining the group.

Source: Wikipedia

The research examined the Instagram posts of KLM, Emirates, Qantas, and Virgin Atlantic airlines to investigate whether there is a sexist perspective. The results revealed that flight attendants shared visuals based on objectification. It is seen that a hegemonic perspective in aviation is not presented in light of the research. This article, which uncovers how airline organizational images can depict employees in gender-based ways, contributes to achieving gender equality, which is a sustainable development goal.

In light of all this information, it is evident that not only the developments specific to aviation but also the data obtained from all sectors through a netnographic perspective on social media provide guidance and direction for the new steps businesses will take.


Örnek V. S. (1971) “ Etnoloji Sözlüğü” , Ankara Üniversitesi, Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Yayınları: 200, syf. 80-84.

Ingold, T. (2014) “That’s Enough About Ethnography!”, HAU-Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 4 (1): 383-395. Available online at

Morgan M. (1990) “Bir Çift Yürek” Klan Yayınları, 21.baskı

Nakip M. Gökmen A. (2022) “ Netnografinin Muhakemesi Ve Pazarlama Araştırmalarında Kullanımı” Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi, İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, ISSN: 2149-1658 Cilt:9 Sayı:3 s.2158-2179 Volume:9 Issue:3 p.2158-2179,

Belz, Frank Martin ve Baumbach, Wenke. (2010). “Netnography as a Method of Lead User Identification. Creativity and Innovation”. Management 19 (3): 304-313.

Kozinets, Rober V. (2002). “The Field Behind the Screen: Using Netnography for Marketing Research in Online Communities”. Journal ol Marketing Research 39 (1): 61-72.

Aydın, C. (2021). Sosyal medya ve tüketim kültürü perspektifiyle Instagram ve YouTube üzerine netnografik bir çalışma. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.

Smith W.E. Kimbu A.S. Cohen J. & S. (2021) “ Gendered Instagram Representations in The AviationIndustry”JournalofSustainableTourism,

Saygın, E., P., Ersoy Arca, N., F. (2020). Dijital Kabile Kültüründe Satın Alma Davranışını Etkileyen Grup Dinamiklerini Anlamaya Yönelik Netnografik Bir Araştırma, İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12 (1), 281-303.

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